
«There’s plenty of room at the bottom.»
Richard Feynman
I am a biotechnologist with a PhD in physical chemistry. I have worked on various projects in fields such as nanotechnology, photocatalysis, and DNA liquid crystals. I conducted my research in laboratories in Poland, at the Wrocław University of Technology and the Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as in the Basque Country, at the CIC Biomagune and Donostia International Physics Center.

My most important scientific publications:
K. Kinastowska et al., “Photocatalytic coffeactor regeneration involving triethanolamine revisited: The critical role of glycolaldehyde”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 243 (18).
K. Kinastowska et al., “Gold nanoparticle-decorated graphene as a nonlinear optical material in the visible and near-infrared spectral range”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20 (27).
K. Kinastowska et al., “Tlenek kobaltu jako selektywny ko-katalizator utleniania wody w obecności barwnika organicznego”, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 16 (12).